Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sorry About the Long Wait

Merry Meet

I know that it's been several months, well more than several months, since I posted anything. I really don't like starting a blog and not putting anything into it. So, sorry about not posting anything. I'm planning on posting more over the next couple of weeks and I hope that you all enjoy them. On today's news: What the Freak is going on in Egypt? Yeah, I mean it. This company is being allowed to restore the Step Pyramid of King Joser and their doing a piss poor job of it.

Not only is the Pyramid a symbol of the past, it's being treated as though their rebuilding the damn World Trade Center. Concrete, really! Use the same methods that the ancients did, you stupid morons. I know this is so going to end up like the Parthenon, trust me on that. They did a shitty job with that and now they have to correct the said shitty job. The gods are crying, the ghosts are morning, and the world is wondering what's going on in Egypt.

I know what's going on: Shit! That's what the fuck going on! Well what can we do?Well we can moan, complain, and really hope that this bites the government in the ass. I'm going to be laughing when it does.

Blessed Be!

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