Saturday, September 6, 2014

Leaving Past Path's Behind

Merry Meet,

I remember a couple of weeks ago Rita (Raven Nightsong) was talking about living an authentic path. That if we want to be taken seriously then we have to be living our path. Taking her advice to heart I removed myself from Facebook groups that didn't reflect who I was as a person. This is why, after Sunday, I won't be blogging on my other blogs and I'm going let them become archive instead. This is the only blog that I'm going to be writing in, though I will be opening a Wordpress blog, keeping it as a back up just in-case I forget my password or something.

Anyway, I declared on Facebook that I'm a Tameran Wiccan and I'm not ashamed of making that known. Though I will admit that I did it on the account that I'm not letting others know about. Things will gain speed as the months go on. The point that I'm making is that you have to be constant in your beliefs and not move around. One of the strange things about declaring that I'm Tameran Wiccan is that, before I did that, I felt as though I was lost and pretending to be something that I wasn't.

I'm glad that it's over and that I can be comfortable with whom I am. Even though I'm not going to be telling me mother that I'm back in Wicca and that I'm practicing Tameran Wicca, I don't feel the same about hiding it as if I was a teen and my mother didn't know about what I was doing. I think that the whole thing of 'hiding' is different when your an adult compared to when your a teen. And, unfortunately, most of the advice is directed to teens and not to adults that are still living at home.

So, as we get closer to Mabon, I hope that everyone had a good summer and we can now turn the wheel and get ready for autumn. And, yes, we know it's autumn when Halloween decorations are out and things like fallen leaves is an actual scent of a candle. I really shake my head at that. Autumn leaves! Didn't know you could make that into a scent.


Blessed Be!

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