Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Third Quarter

Merry Meet,

Today is the beginning of the Third Quarter, meaning that this month is half way over as far as between the last New Moon and the New Moon coming up. One of the things that I've learned is that just because you have something planned, doesn't mean that it's going to work out the way that you think it should. Take example last night. I thought that I would be able to do the Full Moon ritual without any problems.Well, there was.

I didn't have things bookmarked, had to open my circle to get something, and forgot to invoke the god and goddess. I vowed that, next time, I would get all my stuff together and do better. I know that I can and therefore I must do what I know that I can do. Another thing that I've learned. Don't assume that your not going to do something stupid just because you haven't done it yet.

I left a candle unattended, which I've mentioned dozens of times not to do. Well, I won't be doing that again, thank you very much. So, even someone that's been in the craft for years can make mistakes. Well, see you around.

Blessed Be!

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