Monday, September 8, 2014

Medj-Diunit (Full Moon Feast)

Merry Meet,

Tonight is the Full Moon and for those that practice both Kemeticism and Tameran Wicca this means that Heru's (Horus's) Eye has been fully restored by Thoth. This is a time of celebration and feasting. Now, since I'm the only Egyptian pagan in my family the feasting will be what I made today and shared with the family. The moon for me is very powerful and a symbol of Thoth, Khonsu, and Horus. Note: For those that are practicing Kemeticism or Tameran Wicca and you don't want your parents to know about it. Give a prayer to the sun if your following any of the solar gods like Ra, Sekhmet, and Bastet and lunar gods like Thoth, Khonsu, and Horus.

Being outside, and praying to them. Or being inside, and praying to them, is a wonderful thing and something that the gods will accept more than having an altar.

Blessed Be!

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