Friday, September 5, 2014

Second Quarter and New Incense

Merry Meet,

I had plans to write down that we were in the second quarter of the year. But with the fact that my mother's card didn't come in, it totally slipped my mind. Well, we're in the second quarter, and that will last until the Full Moon. Yesterday my mother's replacement card came in and I went out and bought some incense. I really needed it because the stuff that I had wasn't working for me.

They were a buck a package, which was great. I just burned the Frankincense and it burned all the way to the end. I was so relieved and so happy. One of the things that you all must understand about cheap incense is that, if the gods can see that it's a bad offering, their not going to be happy. Putting effort into trying, at least, to get good offerings will be accepted then if you just went in and got something, knowing that there might be a chance that it will be bad.

I was so happy that I finally found incense that would burn and I know that the gods were happy. For those that are new to Tameran Wicca the three incense that I provide are the ones that were burned in the temple. Remember, in this path, just like in Kemeticism, you are recreating the temple environment inside your home. They are the following:

-Frankincense (Morning)
-Myrrh (Midday-Noon)
-Kyphi (Evening)

I hope that this will help someone and Blessed Be!

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