Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Late Post: 4th Quarter and Denit

I had planned on posting a 4th quarter notice, but I got my cold and flu shots so my arm wasn't exactly happy and neither was it. I really am personally glad that it was only seven minutes of my time and I don't have to do it until next year. So yesterday was the beginning of the 4th quarter, which tells my mind that this month is almost over. With Mabon coming this Monday, the month is officially over for me. With 15 days until I can order my things for October I'm pretty excited about the fact that this large waiting period is almost over.

Last night I celebrated Denit, which is the last quarter, as well as the first quarter, moon celebration. It's the next to last Egyptian moon celebration before the new Egyptian month begins. So I'm posting a photo of my Denit altar and I hope that you all enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Third Quarter

Merry Meet,

Today is the beginning of the Third Quarter, meaning that this month is half way over as far as between the last New Moon and the New Moon coming up. One of the things that I've learned is that just because you have something planned, doesn't mean that it's going to work out the way that you think it should. Take example last night. I thought that I would be able to do the Full Moon ritual without any problems.Well, there was.

I didn't have things bookmarked, had to open my circle to get something, and forgot to invoke the god and goddess. I vowed that, next time, I would get all my stuff together and do better. I know that I can and therefore I must do what I know that I can do. Another thing that I've learned. Don't assume that your not going to do something stupid just because you haven't done it yet.

I left a candle unattended, which I've mentioned dozens of times not to do. Well, I won't be doing that again, thank you very much. So, even someone that's been in the craft for years can make mistakes. Well, see you around.

Blessed Be!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Medj-Diunit (Full Moon Feast)

Merry Meet,

Tonight is the Full Moon and for those that practice both Kemeticism and Tameran Wicca this means that Heru's (Horus's) Eye has been fully restored by Thoth. This is a time of celebration and feasting. Now, since I'm the only Egyptian pagan in my family the feasting will be what I made today and shared with the family. The moon for me is very powerful and a symbol of Thoth, Khonsu, and Horus. Note: For those that are practicing Kemeticism or Tameran Wicca and you don't want your parents to know about it. Give a prayer to the sun if your following any of the solar gods like Ra, Sekhmet, and Bastet and lunar gods like Thoth, Khonsu, and Horus.

Being outside, and praying to them. Or being inside, and praying to them, is a wonderful thing and something that the gods will accept more than having an altar.

Blessed Be!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

New Egyptian Book

Merry Meet,

So on the fourth, when my mother's replacement card came in, I was able to finally get a book called "Pathworking with the Egyptian Gods by Judith Page.' I really haven't read that much into it, yet, but I'm going to be working through each Egyptian god, trying to connected with them through pathworking. Thus, I will be using this blog and my back-up blog, to talk about each pathworking and how I did on each one of them. I'm really excited about doing these and later on I'm going to buy the physical copies of this book and her second book.

Of course, what I'm worried about is that I'm not going to be able to do this. I've been really bad at pathworking in the past and I'm worried that it will be just like the other times. However I feel that need to prove that I can do pathworking and do it well. Well, wish me luck.

Blessed Be!

Below is the photo of the book.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Leaving Past Path's Behind

Merry Meet,

I remember a couple of weeks ago Rita (Raven Nightsong) was talking about living an authentic path. That if we want to be taken seriously then we have to be living our path. Taking her advice to heart I removed myself from Facebook groups that didn't reflect who I was as a person. This is why, after Sunday, I won't be blogging on my other blogs and I'm going let them become archive instead. This is the only blog that I'm going to be writing in, though I will be opening a Wordpress blog, keeping it as a back up just in-case I forget my password or something.

Anyway, I declared on Facebook that I'm a Tameran Wiccan and I'm not ashamed of making that known. Though I will admit that I did it on the account that I'm not letting others know about. Things will gain speed as the months go on. The point that I'm making is that you have to be constant in your beliefs and not move around. One of the strange things about declaring that I'm Tameran Wiccan is that, before I did that, I felt as though I was lost and pretending to be something that I wasn't.

I'm glad that it's over and that I can be comfortable with whom I am. Even though I'm not going to be telling me mother that I'm back in Wicca and that I'm practicing Tameran Wicca, I don't feel the same about hiding it as if I was a teen and my mother didn't know about what I was doing. I think that the whole thing of 'hiding' is different when your an adult compared to when your a teen. And, unfortunately, most of the advice is directed to teens and not to adults that are still living at home.

So, as we get closer to Mabon, I hope that everyone had a good summer and we can now turn the wheel and get ready for autumn. And, yes, we know it's autumn when Halloween decorations are out and things like fallen leaves is an actual scent of a candle. I really shake my head at that. Autumn leaves! Didn't know you could make that into a scent.


Blessed Be!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Second Quarter and New Incense

Merry Meet,

I had plans to write down that we were in the second quarter of the year. But with the fact that my mother's card didn't come in, it totally slipped my mind. Well, we're in the second quarter, and that will last until the Full Moon. Yesterday my mother's replacement card came in and I went out and bought some incense. I really needed it because the stuff that I had wasn't working for me.

They were a buck a package, which was great. I just burned the Frankincense and it burned all the way to the end. I was so relieved and so happy. One of the things that you all must understand about cheap incense is that, if the gods can see that it's a bad offering, their not going to be happy. Putting effort into trying, at least, to get good offerings will be accepted then if you just went in and got something, knowing that there might be a chance that it will be bad.

I was so happy that I finally found incense that would burn and I know that the gods were happy. For those that are new to Tameran Wicca the three incense that I provide are the ones that were burned in the temple. Remember, in this path, just like in Kemeticism, you are recreating the temple environment inside your home. They are the following:

-Frankincense (Morning)
-Myrrh (Midday-Noon)
-Kyphi (Evening)

I hope that this will help someone and Blessed Be!

Monday, September 1, 2014

The World of Stupid People

Merry Meet

So today I'm going to be talking about the one thing that made me not be a Kemetic and that's black people that think that their history was stolen by white archeologist and trying to get rid of anything that smells like a huge coverup is their primary goal in life. Black people, the victim line is so not cool with the gods. There are two movies that are coming up soon. One of them is 'Gods of Egypt' and the other is 'Exodus.' Now what I'm excited about Gods of Egypt is that the gods are coming to the huge screen.

Followers of the gods of Egypt can watch their favorite deities through a retelling of the murder of Osiris and Horus avenging him. Now I'm sure that there will be a line of black people protesting in-front of theaters all over the United States, moaning about how we white folks are so evil and hiding the truth about Ancient Kemet. Gods gods give me a damn break, okay. No one is hiding the truth about Kemet. Get over yourself and stop putting race into this thing.

And just because you don't like it that black people are playing lowly characters. Remember this, fake victims. They chose those roles, they chose to play those roles. So stop ruining their time in-front of the camera. This hate for white people really has to stop. Because your not being taken seriously at all and that's just bad. Oh and the petition that you tried to get filled with other morons, well glad that it didn't work out for you. At least I know that not everyone in the United States are stupid enough to believe that your anger that white people are playing the gods is so important.

I personally think that they stay up and think about what great imaginary injustices are happening to them right now. And this anger that the Arabs are not true Egyptians, yeah, they are. If your born in Egypt then you have the right to call yourself an Egyptian. There are people in Egypt, though small, that have to pretend to be Muslims so they don't get stoned to death. Would you be able to hid the fact that you worship the gods that are on temple walls? No, you couldn't. They are suffering from the threat of possible death and your moaning about them not being true Egyptians and how their highjacking the gods and helping to cover up the truth about Kemet.

Someone needs a reality check, though I doubt you could afford to pay for it. Stop attacking those whites that are worshiping the gods, stop making a big deal about two movies, and stop thinking the world revolves around you. Cause it don't!

Blessed Be!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sorry About the Long Wait

Merry Meet

I know that it's been several months, well more than several months, since I posted anything. I really don't like starting a blog and not putting anything into it. So, sorry about not posting anything. I'm planning on posting more over the next couple of weeks and I hope that you all enjoy them. On today's news: What the Freak is going on in Egypt? Yeah, I mean it. This company is being allowed to restore the Step Pyramid of King Joser and their doing a piss poor job of it.

Not only is the Pyramid a symbol of the past, it's being treated as though their rebuilding the damn World Trade Center. Concrete, really! Use the same methods that the ancients did, you stupid morons. I know this is so going to end up like the Parthenon, trust me on that. They did a shitty job with that and now they have to correct the said shitty job. The gods are crying, the ghosts are morning, and the world is wondering what's going on in Egypt.

I know what's going on: Shit! That's what the fuck going on! Well what can we do?Well we can moan, complain, and really hope that this bites the government in the ass. I'm going to be laughing when it does.

Blessed Be!